• Edinburgh: 0131 625 9191
  • Glasgow: 0141 428 3258
  • Galashiels: 01896 550991
Close up of plastic water bottle

Waste & Resource Management

Lawyers. For Business.

We have substantial experience in advising in the Waste and Resource Management sector, acting on behalf of clients involved with waste management, disposal and treatment activities, waste-to-energy and packaging and recycling.

Our expertise extends over a diverse range of issues such as the interpretation of legislation, definition and classification of waste, environmental notices, appeals and litigation, the duty of handling care, transport regulation and logistics, and general compliance with wider environmental objectives, policies and guidance.

Businesses that we have assisted recently include landfill operators, recycling companies, local authorities, food growers and producers, family businesses, transport operators, aquaculture owners, forestry business and operators of AD, IVC and other waste-to-energy plants.

As different waste-to-energy technologies develop, our thorough knowledge of cleantech and renewable projects puts us in a strong position to help our clients overcome the challenge of upscaling and commercialising some of these new energy technologies.

Laura Tainsh who heads up the team is actively involved in relevant industry groups, including the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management and the Scottish Branch of the Environmental Services Association and is always up-to-date on what is happening at a practical and commercial level. In addition, as a member of those organisations, she regularly represents them in discussions with government and regulatory bodies about new and developing policy, guidance and legislation.

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