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Wind turbines

Renewable Energy Generation Rates Relief – Certainly Worth a Try!

Date: 26/03/2015 | Energy & Natural Resources

At the end of 2013 we published an article in relation to Renewable Energy Generation Rates Relief (“the Relief”).  A number of our clients got in touch and we have successfully managed to secure rates’ rebates of over £100,000 (in total across the board).

This certainly suggests that, if you think you may qualify for the Relief, it is worth making an application to the relevant local authority.

Technical Overview:
if  you would like to see a more technical overview of the rules and requirements surrounding the Relief then please review our earlier article or get in touch with our Environmental, Waste and Renewables’ Team direct.

How to Apply:
The Relief is not granted automatically and is subject to an application. Each local authority has its own bespoke application form. However, the core criteria that require to be satisfied are the same and the questions which need to be answered to establish eligibility include:

  1. Is the rateable property used solely in connection with the generation of heat or power (or both) by one of the qualifying technologies?
  2. Has the rateable property been in receipt of any other relief over the past 3 years?
  3. What level of other public sector assistance has been received by the tax-payer in respect of the property? Information of ROCs or LECs received may be of relevance to the application.
  4. What other rates might the relevant business have paid to other local authorites?

Our recent experience with local authorities has taught us that the most onerous part of the process is proving that the property in respect of which rates are payable is used solely for the purposes of producing renewable heat or power.

Local Authorities’ Position:
In dealing with some of the local authorities, patience is required before receiving a response! The level of rebate can be substantial and so the local authorities are, in some cases, keen to spend time investigating the nature of the business activities relating to the rateable property in advance of responding to an application.

Despite some challenges, all of the applications which we have made to date have resulted in a successful claim in respect of the Relief (including a back-dated rebate on most occasions). If you think you might be eligible then please get in touch with us and we will be happy to assess your situation and assist with your application for the Relief. You can contact us via email, phone, twitter or linked-in.

It would be very worthwhile!

Written by

LAURA TAINSH | Davidson Chalmers Stewart
Laura Tainsh

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