Laura Tainsh’s Environmental Blog: Waste Industry Key Worker Status
Date: 26/03/2020 | COVID-19, Environmental, Blogs
In this edition of my blog I am looking at the key work status as it affects operators in the waste and resource management sector.
In what is a critical time for the continuing provision of essential services for the public and businesses alike, those working in the waste and resource management sector are key to ensuring that public health is maintained. The Scottish Government has specifically referenced this sector as one of 13 critical national infrastructure sectors in Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-business-and-social-distancing-guidance/.
The Scottish Government anticipate that local authorities should now be extending their local lists to include workers in the waste and resource management sector as having ‘key worker’ status. If you fall within this category then you should apply to your local authority and identify yourself as a category 2 or 3 key worker (depending on your specific local authority) to access support in relation to childcare etc. Be prepared to be specific about all of the following in making your application:
- The company or companies that you work for and what their role is in the sector;
- The geographical locations within which you carry out your role/job;
- The details of your specific role/job.
If you come across any issues, then you may be able to obtain further support or advice from the Scottish Government direct (in line with their above-mentioned guidance). The first point of contact to discuss any such issues or inconsistencies is: keyworkers@gov.scot.
If you would like advice on anything contained in this article or you have any queries on enviromental issues please contact me on 07583 525 811 or via email, twitter or LinkedIn.