Andy Murray: Wimbledon Winner and Now a Trademark.
Date: 05/02/2014 | Corporate
Those keeping up to date with celebrity news over the New Year period may have noticed that Andy Murray was successful in securing a registered trademark over his own name. Andy succeeded where other celebrities, including Sir Alex Ferguson, have failed and the trademark will undoubtedly help him build his brand and prevent others from capitalising on his fame.
The UK Intellectual Property Office awarded Andy’s trademark (which was approved on Boxing Day) on the basis that his name met the legal criteria for a registered trademark, in that it is a sign or brand name which distinguishes his goods or services from those of his competitors.
Andy’s trademark covers a wide range of goods and services including clothing, footwear, computer games, sporting goods, soft toys, education and sport coaching services. Whilst in reality he may never put his name to, for example, a soft toy, registering his brand against such a wide range of goods gives him the flexibility to choose which products he wishes to associate himself with.
Most importantly, it gives him legal protection if others try to cash-in on his fame by using his name on products or services without his consent.
Perhaps the greatest example of celebrities-turned-entrepreneurs, David and Victoria Beckham successfully obtained trademarks over a number of “Beckham” combinations since 2000 and effectively turned themselves into brands, using the “Beckham” name to licence all sorts of products. Andy Murray could well be on a similar path following his recent Wimbledon win.
Registered trademarks are an effective way to protect your intellectual property rights and add value to your brand. According to the Hargreaves review into intellectual property, published in May 2011, every year in the decade preceding the review, investment by UK businesses in intangible assets (such as intellectual property rights) outstripped investment in tangible assets.
Intellectual property assets are without doubt essential to the growth of businesses, and are often the most valuable assets on a company’s balance sheet. Ensuring legal protection of these assets, as Andy has done, is an important investment.
If you would like to discuss protecting your business’s brand, registration of a trademark or any other matter concerning intellectual property rights, contact Lisa Douglas (lisa.kitson@davidsonchalmers.com).
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