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Search results for: gladman

  • Sustainable Development Hanging in the [Tilted] Balance

    …confirmed that this is the correct treatment of the Presumption and that the tilted balance applies under the SPP (in Gladman Developments Ltd v Scottish Ministers  [2020] CSIH 28).   The…

  • First Court Decision on NPF 4 Housing Policy

    Mossend Says Goodbye Gladman, Hello MATHLR *! Miller Homes Ltd v Scottish Ministers [2024] CSIH 11 is the first Court of Session decision on housing policies in National Planning Framework…

  • What’s on the Horizon for Planning in Scotland?

    …Where there is a shortfall, the nation-wide Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) is given more weight in planning decisions and applies a presumption in favour of development (see Gladman Developments Ltd…

  • SPP Consultation 2020: The Results

    …of Gladman (covered in our article of 2 Oct 2020) indicated that any shortfall in the effective local housing land supply meant that proposals which would reduce the shortfall were…

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