True Cost of Construction Waste Seminar
Date: 29/11/2018 | DCS News, Environmental
The Davidson Chalmers team has substantial experience in advising in the Environment and Waste Management sector acting on behalf of clients involved with waste management, disposal and treatment activities, waste-to-energy and other forms of environmental management.
Our expertise extends over a diverse range of issues such as the interpretation of legislation, definition and classification of waste, environmental notices, appeals and litigation, the duty of handling care, transport regulation and logistics, and general compliance with wider environmental objectives, policies and guidance.
As Lead Partner of the Environment and Waste Team, member of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) and member of the Scottish Committee for UKELA, I will be speaking at this year’s Resource Efficient Scotland and Scottish Building Federation seminar on True Cost of Construction Waste being held at the Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld, G68 0EW on Thursday 6th December.
I will be speaking about the issues around the landfill ban from a legal perspective and SEPA sector plans. Please get in touch using the details below if you would like to arrange to meet up.
Laura Tainsh Email Twitter Linked-In T: 07583 525811