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Wind farm in Scotland

Rural Resilience: Facing the Future

Date: 17/04/2024 | Energy & Natural Resources, Environmental, Rural Business

When we talk about resilience, we mean the ability to withstand or to recover quickly from challenges which are thrown at us. Challenge comes in many forms and from all around.

Changes in climate, unfamiliar weather patterns and extreme weather events impact in ways not imagined for centuries. For generations currently managing land and working in the rural economy, the wisdom of the past is under increasing scrutiny. We know about extremes of hot and cold, of drought and flood, of rising sea levels. A changing climate also bring other issues: changes in flora and fauna, new (to the UK) diseases, impacts on crop yields, less-defined seasons.

Better science helps to understand what’s happening, but understanding doesn’t make problems go away.

Challenges don’t just come from what nature is doing. As a modern society, much of what we do is regulated by various tiers of government and also by what those we do business with demand, be that consumers or supply chains.

Businesses which have the best chance of adapting to changing climate are those that take it seriously, try to understand the scientific and regulatory environment they operate in and plan strategically for the medium term. They take time to understand what it means for them in their circumstances. Resilience planning starts with understanding what those challenges may be for you and where they may appear from.

Of course, it’s not all about challenge. Change in climate brings with it opportunity: 50 years ago, who would have thought a Scottish tea plantation could be a thing? Renewable energy, carbon sequestering and afforestation now stand front and centre in enabling other sectors to mitigate climate change and to adjust to the issues they face. From being a peripheral interest to politicians and city interests the rural sector is firmly in the spotlight.

Helping businesses create resilient plans is at the heart of what the Rural Business team at Davidson Chalmers Stewart does. As lawyers, we work closely with other professionals – accountants, surveyors, bankers – to sustain your business and your future. That includes creating diversifying business activity, planning for the future and succession planning and establishing strong contractual relationships.

This article was originally featured in the Spring 2024 edition of LandBusiness magazine.

The matter in this publication is based on our current understanding of the law.  The information provides only an overview of the law in force at the date hereof and has been produced for general information purposes only. Professional advice should always be sought before taking any action in reliance of the information. Accordingly, Davidson Chalmers Stewart LLP does not take any responsibility for losses incurred by any person through acting or failing to act on the basis of anything contained in this publication.

Written by

Andy Drane | Davidson Chalmers Stewart
Andy Drane

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