Scotland Centre AGM and Spring Seminar – The Future of Disposal in Scotland
Date: 05/04/2024 | DCS News
The Davidson Chalmers Stewart team has substantial experience in advising on environmental law, particularly acting on behalf of clients involved with waste management, disposal and treatment activities, waste-to-energy, and other forms of environmental management.
Our expertise extends over a diverse range of issues such as the interpretation of legislation, definition and classification of waste, environmental notices, appeals and litigation, the duty of handling care, transport regulation and logistics, and general compliance with wider environmental objectives, policies and guidance.
As Head of the Environment and Waste Team, Laura Tainsh will be chairing the CIWM event ‘Scotland Centre AGM and Spring Seminar – The Future of Disposal in Scotland’ on 18 April 2024 in Edinburgh. If you are interested in attending, you can sign up here.